


Multidimensional Intuition Workshop

Multidimensional Intuition Workshop flow60, Trichtenhauser Strasse 57, 8125 Zollikon Tickets

Credits: Esther Seibt & Milena Dubs

flow60, Zollikon (CH)

This comprehensive 4-hour workshop series is designed to enhance your intuitive abilities and integrate them with your daily rational decision-making. Through different mediums we help you tap into and strengthen the wisdom of your inner guidance system. With stations build around self-reflection, voice, frequency, breath and creative expression we build a safe container to gently remove barriers that hold you back from becoming still so that you can feel and listen. 

Facilitated by Esther Seibt and Milena Dubs, who bring invaluable insights from their personal journeys, this multidimensional series will empower you to harmonize the messages of your heart and mind to live a fulfilling present and future. Deepen your senses while experiencing the power of a vibrant local community where individuals from different lifepaths but similar hearts meet. Set in the serene Zollikerberg, our spacious venue is bathed in natural light, offering a tranquil backdrop of river sounds and birdsongs.


What’s included:

- Powerful 4-hour workshop including individual psychological exercises, hypnosis + meditation, modern kundalini yoga, sound healing and forms of art therapy
- Light organic snacks, herbal tea
- Group healing and group activations

What to bring:

- Yogamat
- Pillow
- Blanket
- Journal

Multidimensional Intuition Workshop

Sponsoring-Logo von Multidimensional Intuition Workshop Event

Esther Seibt & Milena Dubs


Veranstalter:in von Multidimensional Intuition Workshop

Milena Dubs


Online-Verkauf endet am Freitag, 28.06.2024 10:00

Early Bird and Tickets

CHF 150.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Schweizerische Post


Rheinfelden Tourismus


TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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flow60, Trichtenhauser Strasse 57, Zollikon, CH

Links zum Event


Multidimensional Intuition Workshop wird organisiert durch:

Milena Dubs