

1.6. - 2.6.

Hedera Helix

Hedera Helix Oslo Studios, Oslo-Strasse 2, 4142 Münchenstein Tickets

Credits: Anstoguapo

Oslo Studios, Münchenstein (CH)

We,Hedera Helix, a young label from Basel, are organizing a creative networking event on June 1st, 2024 in the OSLO STUDIOS. Our goal is to bring young artists and art enthusiasts together and to offer them a platform. We want to bring artists from all genres together and ensure that a creative exchange takes place that stimulates and inspires everyone present. We start at 4:00 p.m. with a cozy meet and greet. At the same time you can enjoy the paintings/art and the pop-ups by the various designers and artists. The whole thing is accompanied by a Flinta line-up that plays cozy trance. At 8:30 p.m. the location will be converted into a concert hall, a total of four artists will perform until 12:00 a.m., and then we have a lil suprises for you!! So stay tuned.
There will be food and drinks throughout the event. Because we work with Art, we have decided on a no food policy for the indoor area, but there is a large outdoor area with seating. So that you don't miss any of the music, the music is played also outside

Der Event beginnt in
3 Tage
2 Std
33 Min
54 Sek


Veranstalter:in von Hedera Helix

Hedera Helix


Online-Verkauf endet am Sonntag, 02.06.2024 00:00

Early Bird

CHF 12.00



CHF 8.00

Last Call

CHF 15.00

After Party (nur gültig mit Day Ticket !!)18+

CHF 10.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets für diesen Event finden Sie an folgenden Vorverkaufsstellen:

Die Schweizerische Post


Rheinfelden Tourismus


TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Oslo Studios, Oslo-Strasse 2, Münchenstein, CH

Links zum Event


Hedera Helix wird organisiert durch:

Hedera Helix