


Breath & Sound Journey

Breath & Sound Journey Serrat(u)s Bodywork, Zwinglistrasse 40, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Carmen Lienhard und Cheyenne Ziermann

Serrat(u)s Bodywork, Zürich (CH)

An Event by two amazing women, Carmen and Cheyenne. Join us for a 3 hour journey to connect to the power of your breath and let yourself get carried away by the magic of sound.

First Carmen will guide you through the power of conscious connected breathwork: 

Breathwork is a technique of conscious breathing based on ancient traditions that contributes to profound personal transformation and healing. It helps to release trauma, tension, and blocked energies on various levels, achieve an altered state of consciousness, and calm the inner critic. This strengthens the connection between mind and body, promotes detoxification, releases old emotional burdens, and opens the heart, allowing the authentic self to emerge and inner potentials to be activated.


Afterwards in the resting phase Cheyenne will sooth you wih the magic of her beautiful instruments:

In a world filled with constant noise and chaos, the ancient practice of sound healing emerges as a soothing balm for our stressed minds and bodies. The vibrational power of sound promotes relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. Everything in this universe vibrates at a specific frequency, including our bodies. When we experience stress, illness, or emotional turmoil, our vibrational harmony can be disrupted.


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An Event by two amazing women, Carmen and Cheyenne. Join us for a 3 hour journey to connect to the power of your breath and let yourself get carried away by the magic of sound.

First Carmen will guide you through the power of conscious connected breathwork: 

Breathwork is a technique of conscious breathing based on ancient traditions that contributes to profound personal transformation and healing. It helps to release trauma, tension, and blocked energies on various levels, achieve an altered state of consciousness, and calm the inner critic. This strengthens the connection between mind and body, promotes detoxification, releases old emotional burdens, and opens the heart, allowing the authentic self to emerge and inner potentials to be activated.


Afterwards in the resting phase Cheyenne will sooth you wih the magic of her beautiful instruments:

In a world filled with constant noise and chaos, the ancient practice of sound healing emerges as a soothing balm for our stressed minds and bodies. The vibrational power of sound promotes relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. Everything in this universe vibrates at a specific frequency, including our bodies. When we experience stress, illness, or emotional turmoil, our vibrational harmony can be disrupted. Sound healing seeks to restore this harmony by using specific sounds and frequencies.


When: Friday, June 7th, from 18:30-21:30

Where: Serratus Bodywork, Zwinglistrasse 40, 8004 Zurich 

We can't wait to dive into other realms with you !

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The event starts in
5 Days
19 h
27 min
48 s

Event organiser

Event organiser of Breath & Sound Journey

carmen lienhard


Sale ends on Friday, 07.06.2024 18:30


CHF 85.00

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CHF 100.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Swiss Post



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Serrat(u)s Bodywork, Zwinglistrasse 40, Zürich, CH

Event links

Event organiser

Breath & Sound Journey is organised by:

carmen lienhard